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The Chicken Lady Blog | The Chicken Coop Company

How Do You Train A Chicken To Return To The Coop?

How Do You Train A Chicken To Return To The Coop?

... as they come home to roost, and I find it's very wise every night to count my chickens, see if one is outside. Sometimes they'll get off ...
How Do Chickens Help Enhance Your Compost Pile?

How Do Chickens Help Enhance Your Compost Pile?

Because we're gardeners, we have a compost pile. All of our wet debris, wet garbage goes there. We bury it. The chickens go in there when my hu...
What Effects The Way A Hen Lays Eggs?

What Effects The Way A Hen Lays Eggs?

Everything affects the way the hens lay. Wind, rain, cold. In the winter, the light, the sunlight. You have shorter days. That affects their la...
Where Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

Where Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

I have eight laying boxes set up in my chicken house. They have a tendency to just use one or two. Because I gather all the eggs and because my c...
The Truth About Colored Chicken Eggs

The Truth About Colored Chicken Eggs

Different breeds lay different colored eggs. My Araucanas lay green and blue eggs, and my Buffingtons lay beige eggs. People ask me if brown eg...
Can Chickens Help You Raise Your Children?

Can Chickens Help You Raise Your Children?

The little kids taking care of them they see the responsibility that they need to be fed, watered and chickens do have feelings you know. The...
Can Chickens Fly?

Can Chickens Fly?

Chickens can fly or more or less flutter up into trees. We had a problem at one time with a raccoon that got into our coop. The chickens, one w...
How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

I was told that the chickens will lay an egg every 27 hours, but I do know that if it's bad weather, windy or rainy, or even in the winter, the...
Predators And Protecting Your Flock!

Predators And Protecting Your Flock!

Yes, we have predators here. We have raccoons, and we have, raccoons definitely go after the chickens. We have skunks. They don't always bother t...
Mrs. Donna's Story About Chickens

Mrs. Donna's Story About Chickens

We started out with one chicken that flew over the fence. I was taking care of my mother at the time and she had dementia. She just took on t...
Which Chicken Breed Is The Most Friendly?

Which Chicken Breed Is The Most Friendly?

 The Buffington, which is this one, and then Plymouth Rock, which is the black and white speckled one. They're very friendly. In fact, I had a Ply...
Is It Better to Use an Incubator or Let Mother Nature Hatch Chicken Eggs?

Is It Better to Use an Incubator or Let Mother Nature Hatch Chicken Eggs?

No, they don't all hatch, you know, you should never fool with Mother Nature. When I have tried to get a hen to sit on the eggs, part of them...