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Raising Chickens

How to Hatch Chicken Eggs: Temperature, Humidity, & Expert Tips

Learn how to successfully hatch chicken and quail eggs with the essential humidity and temperature settings. Hatching eggs is an amazing experience...

Managing Laying Hens and Collecting Eggs

Hens begin laying at around six months of age and can continue for 5-10 years, with peak production occurring in the first 2 years.


How to Choose and Purchase Chickens

Local farm supply stores are often your best bet for purchasing chickens.
How to Start Your Chickens Off Right

How to Start Your Chickens Off Right

Raising chickens means taking care of them from the time they’re little puff balls with feet. To start your chicks off right so that they grow into healthy adults, make use of the following tips:

Do Chickens Need Heat in Winter? | Backyard Poultry -

Why You Don’t Have To Heat A Coop Chickens are amazing animals and can survive some pretty harsh environments. If birds have a place to perch witho...

How to Choose a Chicken Coops Size and Style for Your Chickens

Chickens are descended from jungle birds, which means they like to be up high, so a place for them to roost is important.
Controlling Pests and Predators

Controlling Pests and Predators

Train your birds to return to the chicken house every evening — and be sure to close it up. If you raise your chicks in that coop, they will naturally return to lay eggs and roost at night after you let them range for the day. Make sure that you close it up at night once the birds have settled.

How to Feed and Care for Your Chickens

Chickens need to be fed and water changed daily. They need to be let out of the coop each morning and put into the coop at dusk each night to protect them from predators. Eggs should be picked up twice a day. The coop and pen should be cleaned out weekly to maintain sanitation and odor control.

Managing the Manure

Chicken manure is made up of feed residue, intestinal bacteria, digestive juices, mineral by-products from metabolic processes, and water. In fact, 85% of chicken droppings, by weight, is water. This leads to issues with humidity and odor. So what are the options for managing manure?