White Plymouth Rock Chicken
The White Plymouth Rock chicken was recognized as a distinct breed and admitted to the American Standard of Perfection as a pure breed chicken in 1888. This chicken is a versatile, dual-purpose breed, making it an excellent choice for both egg production and meat. Known by their short name, White Rock chickens are a valued member of the Plymouth Rock family. These birds are a part of American poultry heritage, often found on farms in the past.
White Rock hens are prolific layers, producing large to extra-large brown eggs. The cockerels grow into excellent fryers. While they share many characteristics with the Barred Rocks, White Rocks are unique in their pure white plumage. As chicks, they can display a range of fuzz colors from white to dark smoky hues, but as they mature, they develop white feathers. Adult White Rocks typically have yellow legs, though younger birds may show darker leg coloration.
These chickens are known for their graceful, inquisitive, and friendly nature, making them easy to manage. Though not as popular as Barred Rocks, White Rocks are well-regarded for their soft feathers and down-like undercoat, which make them particularly cold-hardy. They are a great addition to any backyard flock.
White Rock hens begin laying eggs around five months of age, making them some of the earliest maturing layers. Like most hens, they will go through a molting period after several months of laying. During this time, they may lose feathers, appear scruffy, and stop laying eggs. Their comb and wattles may also turn pale. The molting process can last from four to eight weeks. Once their comb and wattles return to a bright red color and they begin to sing again, you can expect them to resume laying eggs.
The White Rock chicken is also utilized as the female side in the commercial Cornish Broiler Cross chicken breeding. The Chicken Coop Company offers this fantastic dual-purpose White Rock chicken for sale, and it is highly recommended to consider adding this heritage breed to your backyard flock.
Frequently Asked Questions:Â
What is a White Plymouth Rock?
White Plymouth Rock Chickens are distinguished by their large, all-white plumage and their calm, friendly demeanor. Originating in Massachusetts, these birds were named after Plymouth Rock, the historic landing site of the Pilgrims. Known for their consistent egg production, White Plymouth Rock chickens typically lay about 4-6 brown eggs each week.
Are White Rock Chickens Good Layers?
Yes, White Rock hens are renowned for their excellent egg production. Depending on the strain, they can lay up to 280 eggs annually. This breed is celebrated for its versatility, serving well for both egg production and meat. The eggs they produce are generally large to extra-large.
What Color Eggs Do White Plymouth Rock Chickens Lay?
White Plymouth Rock hens lay medium to large light brown eggs. The exact shade of brown can vary slightly between different strains of the breed, influenced by the color of the bloom applied to the egg before laying.
Are White Rock Chickens Good to Eat?
White Rock chickens are notable for their impressive growth rate, reaching an average weight of around 8 lbs by processing time. While they grow quickly as chicks, their growth rate slows significantly as they mature. The meat is tender and flavorful, making them a good choice for consumption.
What About White Plymouth Rock Chickens?
White Plymouth Rock chickens are well-suited for general farm life. They are docile and exhibit some broodiness, characterized by their long, broad backs and moderately deep, full breasts. They have a single, moderate-sized comb and are considered a reliable breed for both laying eggs and meat.
White Plymouth Rock Facts
- Poultry Show Class:Â American Class
- Weights: Hen—–7 1/2 lbs      Â
- Rooster——9 1/2 lbs
- Pullet—6 lbs       Â
- Cockerel—-8 lbs
- Purpose and Type:Â Primary production, Egg Laying & Pet/Secondary meat source
- Egg Shell Color:Â Brown
- Egg Production: 200 – 280 eggs per year (estimates only)
- Egg Size:Â Large
- Temperament:Â Docile
- Gender Accuracy:Â 85-90%
- Fertility Percentage:Â 65-80%
- Broody:Â Setter
- Mating Ratio:Â 10 Females to 1 Male
- Roost Height:Â 2 to 4 feet
- Country of Origin:Â United States
- APA:Â Yes, Recognized by the Standard of Perfection in 1888
- TLC:Â Recovering status, Considered a Heritage Sustainable Chicken Breed
- Breeder Farm Source: Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of White Plymouth Rock chicken since 1937.