Egg Size
Egg Color
Egg Quantity
Very Good (4/wk)
Cold Tolerance
Hardy In Winter
Heat Tolerance
Not Especially Heat Tolerant
Large Fowl
Feathered Feet
Speckled Sussex
Speckled Sussex Chicken
The Speckled Sussex chicken is a heritage breed that originated in the historic county of Sussex, England, and was officially recognized as a distinct breed in 1914. Known for its gentle nature and vibrant appearance, the Speckled Sussex is an excellent choice for backyard flocks, serving both as a reliable egg producer and a source of meat.
This breed is a consistent layer and adapts well to confined spaces. Its speckled plumage provides natural camouflage, helping to protect it from predators like coyotes and foxes. Remarkably, with each annual molt, the number of speckles increases, making these birds even more striking as they age.
The Speckled Sussex is a lively yet friendly breed that thrives in various environments. They are known for their calm temperament and enjoy interacting with humans, making them wonderful pets. This breed often goes broody during the warmer months, making them excellent mothers. They are also good foragers and are well-suited to colder climates, showing resilience and hardiness throughout the year.
Gentle and Friendly: Speckled Sussex chickens are known for their calm and friendly nature. They are generally not skittish and are happy to interact with humans, making them a great choice for families or those who want chickens that are easy to handle.
Curious and Active: These birds are curious by nature and enjoy free-ranging or exploring their environment. They are not excessively flighty but love to scratch and forage for food.
- Good with Other Animals: Their gentle temperament means they get along well with other chickens and animals, making them a peaceful addition to a mixed flock.
Egg Laying:
Prolific Egg Layers: The Speckled Sussex is an excellent egg layer. They typically lay medium to large-sized brown eggs, often in a range of hues from light to dark brown.
Egg Production: You can expect around 4-5 eggs per week from a healthy Speckled Sussex hen, making them a reliable layer year-round. While egg production may decrease slightly in the winter months, it is generally consistent.
Egg Quality: The eggs produced by Speckled Sussex hens are known for their excellent flavor and quality, making them a popular choice for egg lovers.
Health and Care:
Hardy: Speckled Sussex chickens are relatively hardy and can adapt to a variety of climates. They do well in both hot and cold environments, although, like many chickens, they should be provided with shelter during extreme weather conditions to keep them comfortable.
Low Maintenance: These chickens do not require any special care, aside from the usual needs of chickens—clean water, a proper diet, and a safe and secure environment. Their plumage is generally low-maintenance and doesn't require frequent grooming.
- Strong and Resilient: They are a tough breed and can withstand some of the challenges of farm life, such as changes in diet or temperature. However, it’s important to ensure they have access to a secure coop to keep predators away.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What color eggs do Speckled Sussex hens lay?
Speckled Sussex hens typically produce eggs with a light to medium brown shell. The shade can vary slightly, but it remains within the brown color spectrum. These hens are known for their reliable egg production.
Are Sussex chickens good egg layers?
Yes, Sussex hens are considered good layers, with an annual output of 200-250 large tan or brown eggs. To maintain their egg-laying efficiency, it’s important to manage their weight, as they lay best when kept from becoming overweight. They can also be broody and make excellent mothers. Sussex chickens thrive in confinement but appreciate some time to free-range during the week.
Are Speckled Sussex chickens friendly?
Absolutely! Speckled Sussex chickens are known for their friendly nature. They enjoy being handled, petted, and even conversing with their caretakers. These sociable birds might follow you around if they consider you a part of their flock. Roosters can reach up to 8 pounds, while hens typically weigh around 6 pounds.
At what age do Speckled Sussex chickens start laying eggs?
Speckled Sussex hens usually start laying eggs between 16 and 20 weeks of age. Once they begin, they consistently produce 4-6 large, light brown eggs each week. Hens typically weigh about 7 pounds, while roosters average around 9 pounds. This breed is friendly, calm, and makes an excellent dual-purpose choice for both eggs and meat.
Speckled Sussex Facts
- Poultry Show Class: Not applicable
- Weights: Hen—–5 lbs
- Rooster——6 1/2 lbs
- Pullet—4 1/2 lbs
- Cockerel—-5 1/2 lbs
- Purpose and Type: Primary production, Egg Laying & Pet/Secondary meat source
- Egg Shell Color: Very light brown to off white egg shell color
- Egg Production: 220-280 eggs per year (estimates only)
- Egg Size: Large
- Temperament: Active
- Gender Accuracy: 80-85%
- Fertility Percentage: 65-80%
- Broody: Non Setter
- Mating Ratio: 12 Females to 1 Males
- Roost Height: 4 to 8 feet
- Country of Origin: Hybrid
- APA: No
- TLC: No
- BREEDER FARM SOURCE: Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of Austra White since 1939.
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