Egg Size
Egg Quantity
Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color
Cold Tolerance
Hardy In Winter
Heat Tolerance
Not Especially Heat Tolerant
Large Fowl
Feathered feet
Salmon Faverolle
Salmon Faverolle Chicken
The Faverolles is a unique and charming chicken breed, easily recognized by their muffs, beard, feathered legs, and five toes. The Salmon variety, available at The Chicken Coop Company, is the most common and admired.
Hens showcase beautiful colors, from honeyed salmon with white lacing to deeper mahogany with speckled beards. Roosters are striking, with iridescent black, bronze-tinted backs, and pale straw hackles. The chicks are cute and creamy yellow, sometimes with sooty spots.
Faverolles roosters are calm and less aggressive, making them ideal for home flocks. The hens are prolific layers of creamy light brown eggs, even in winter. Their gentle nature, however, often places them lower in the pecking order in mixed flocks.
Originating from France in the 1850s, Salmon Faverolles are dual-purpose chickens known for their egg production and size. They are docile, but chicks may need extra care, especially during shipping. Ensure your brooder is ready and warm for their arrival. These birds are best suited to low roosting poles, and care should be taken to protect their delicate fifth toe.
- Coop: Provide a clean, dry, and secure coop that protects your Salmon Faverolles from predators. These birds are not particularly flighty, but it’s still important to make sure the coop is secure.
- Nesting Boxes: Ensure there are comfortable nesting boxes for the hens to lay their eggs. One box per 3-4 hens is usually enough.
- Perches: Provide low to moderate perches in the coop, as Salmon Faverolles are not heavy climbers like some other breeds. They will appreciate the opportunity to roost, but they don’t need high roosts.
- Space: While they aren’t as active as some other breeds, Salmon Faverolles still enjoy space to move around. Aim for at least 8-10 square feet per bird in the run.
- Balanced Feed: Like other chickens, Salmon Faverolles need a balanced diet. Provide high-quality poultry feed (layer pellets or mash) with a protein level of around 16-18%.
- Calcium Supplements: Provide crushed oyster shell or other calcium supplements to support healthy egg production and strong eggshells.
- Fresh Water: Always ensure that your chickens have access to clean, fresh water. This is essential for overall health.
Treats: Salmon Faverolles are known to enjoy a variety of treats, including vegetables, fruits, and mealworms. Be careful not to overfeed them on treats, as it could impact their overall nutrition.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are Salmon Faverolles good chickens?
Salmon Faverolles have earned a well-deserved reputation for being an excellent addition to backyard flocks. Their versatility as both egg layers and meat producers, coupled with their robust nature, makes them a top choice. Moreover, their gentle and easygoing personalities make them ideal as pet chickens.
What color eggs do Salmon Faverolle chickens lay?
Salmon Faverolles typically lay lightly tinted eggs, though variations can range from light brown to a delicate pink hue. These hens are known to be prolific layers, with some producing between 150 and 200 eggs annually. They are also known for their excellent maternal instincts, and the breed offers quality meat, with males weighing around 8 lbs and females about 6.5 lbs.
Are Salmon Faverolle chickens noisy?
Yes, Salmon Faverolles are quite vocal and love to express themselves. Their lively personalities mean they enjoy "talking" and can be relatively loud, which adds a bit of character to your flock.
Are Faverolles aggressive?
Faverolles are known for their friendly and docile nature, making them a wonderful choice for a pet flock. However, they tend to be submissive when kept with other more assertive chicken breeds, which can lead to them being bullied. It's often best to keep Faverolles in a flock of their own kind to avoid these issues.
How long do Faverolles live?
Salmon Faverolles are a hardy breed, especially in cold climates, with an average lifespan of about 5 years. While they can tolerate warmer temperatures, they need access to shade and fresh water in the heat to thrive. However, it's important to note that their egg production might decline in hot weather.
Salmon Faverolle Facts
- Poultry Show Class: Continental Class
- Weights: Hen —6 1/2 lbs
- Rooster—8 lb
- Pullet—5 1/2 lbs
- Cockerel—7 lbs
- Purpose and Type: Primary production, Egg Laying & Pet/Secondary meat source
- Egg Shell Color: Light Brown
- Egg Production: 180-240 eggs per year (estimates only)
- Egg Size: Medium-Large
- Temperament: Active but docile
- Gender Accuracy: 65-80%
- Fertility Percentage: 80-85%
- Broody: Variable
- Mating Ratio: 8 Females to 1 Male
- Roost Height: 2 to 4 feet
- Country of Origin: France
- APA: Yes, Recognized by American Standard of Perfection in 1914.
- TLC: Watch status, Considered a sustainable heritage chicken breed.
- Breeder Farm Source: Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline/strain of pure Salmon Faverolle since 1971.
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