Cinnamon Queen Chicken
The Cinnamon Queen chicken, developed in the early 1990s, is a cross between the Rhode Island Red and the Silver-Laced Wyandotte. This breed is celebrated for its excellent egg production and stunning cinnamon-colored feathers.
While Rhode Island Reds are known for their egg-laying abilities, they often have a reputation for being unfriendly, sometimes chasing children, pecking other chickens, and even stealing food. In contrast, Cinnamon Queens are gentle and friendly, making them a great choice for backyard flocks.
Cinnamon Queens are hardy and adaptable, thriving in both cold and warm climates. They lay beautiful light brown eggs with dark spots, and their calm demeanor makes them a favorite among chicken keepers. Similar in personality to Buff Orpingtons, they are ideal for those who want a tame, interactive pet.
This breed offers the best of both worlds: high egg production and a friendly, easygoing nature, making them perfect for families and hobbyists alike.
Frequently Asked Questions:Â
What is a Cinnamon Queen chicken? The Cinnamon Queen chicken is a hybrid breed created by crossing Rhode Island Red roosters with Silver Laced Wyandotte hens, although sometimes Rhode Island White hens are used instead. This combination results in chickens that inherit the best qualities of these breeds, such as excellent egg production and rapid growth.
How many eggs does a Cinnamon Queen chicken produce annually? Cinnamon Queen hens are prolific layers, capable of producing up to 300 large brown eggs each year. They mature faster than many other breeds, which means they start laying eggs at an earlier age.
Is the Cinnamon Queen considered a hybrid breed? Yes, Cinnamon Queens are indeed a hybrid breed. They are produced by crossing Rhode Island Red males with Rhode Island White females. As hybrids, they do not breed true, meaning their offspring may not consistently inherit the same characteristics, and they are not recognized as an official breed by the American Poultry Association.
Are Cinnamon Queen chickens known for their friendly nature? Absolutely! Cinnamon Queens are well-known for their calm and friendly temperament. They enjoy interacting with both their human caretakers and fellow chickens, making them an excellent choice for backyard flocks where bonding with the birds is a priority.
Do hens lay eggs every day? Hens typically begin laying eggs at around 18 weeks of age. Once they start, most hens will lay an egg nearly every day, assuming they are healthy and content, reflecting consistent egg production.
Cinnamon Queen Facts
- Poultry Show Class: Not applicable
- Weights: Hen——6-7 lbs
- Rooster——8-9 lbs
- Pullet—-6 lbs
- Cockerel——8 lbs
- Purpose and Type: Egg laying; Production
- Egg Shell Color: Light Brown
- Egg Production: 250-320 Â eggs per year (estimates only)
- Egg Size: Large
- Temperament: Active
- Gender Accuracy: 95-100%
- Fertility Percentage: 60-75%
- Broody: Variable
- Mating Ratio: 10 Female to 1 Male
- Roost Height: 2 to 4 feet
- Country of Origin: United States
- APA: No
- TLC: No
- BREEDER FARM SOURCE: Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of pure Cinnamon Queen since 1993.