Blue Polish Chicken
Blue Polish Chicken
  • Egg Size


  • Egg Quantity

    Fair (2/wk)

  • Egg Color


  • Abundance


  • Cold Tolerance

    Not Cold Hardy

  • Heat Tolerance

    Tolerates Heat Well

  • Size

    Large Fowl

  • Personality


  • Feathered Feet


Blue Polish Chicken

Select Sex Info

Blue Polish Chicken Chicken

The White Crested Blue Polish Chicken, offered by The Chicken Coop Company, is a stunning ornamental breed, popular for exhibition purposes. Originating from the Netherlands, this ancient breed has been domesticated since the early 16th century and was first introduced to England via Poland, which is where it got its name.

One unique trait of this breed is that its blue variety does not breed true to color. When two blue Polish chickens mate, they produce a mix of splash, black-blue, and blue chicks. Breeding a splash with the black-blue variant tends to yield more consistent blue-colored offspring.

Primarily raised for shows and as backyard pets, Polish chickens are admired for their distinctive crest of feathers. The males have a more erratic, umbrella-like crest, while the hens boast a fuller, fluffy crest. They also lay a modest number of small to medium white eggs but are not typically known for going broody.

While they make wonderful pets, special care may be required in the winter. Their head feathers can get waterlogged, particularly while drinking, so trimming the feathers might be necessary. For an attractive and unique addition to your flock, the Blue Polish chicken is an excellent choice.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What are Blue Polish Chickens known for?
Blue Polish chickens are famous for their striking crest of feathers and are often raised as ornamental birds for exhibitions or as unique pets.

Do Blue Polish Chickens lay eggs?
Yes, Blue Polish chickens lay small to medium-sized white eggs. However, they are not prolific layers and are primarily kept for their appearance.

What special care do Blue Polish Chickens require?
Their crest feathers can become waterlogged when drinking, especially in winter, so trimming these feathers may be necessary to prevent health issues.

Are Blue Polish Chickens good pets?
Yes, they are friendly, gentle birds that make excellent pets. However, they are more suited for ornamental purposes rather than high egg production.

Blue Polish Chicken Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Continental Class
  • Weights: Hen—–4 1/2 lbs
    Rooster——-6 lbs
    Pullet—4 lbs
  • Cockerel—–5 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Egg Laying; Exhibition
  • Egg Shell Color: White
  • Egg Production: Good
  • Egg Size: Medium
  • Temperament: Docile/Flighty
  • Fertility Percentage: 40-55%
  • Broody: Non Setters
  • Mating Ratio: 8 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 2 to 4 feet
  • Country of Origin: Netherlands
  • APA: Yes, Recognized by the American Standard of Perfection in 1963
  • TLC: Recovering Status, Considered a sustainable heritage chicken breed.
  • Breeder Farm Source: Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of color varieties of the Polish chicken since 1971.
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